" Today both of my PS3s locked up while trying to load GTA 4.
I did the common fix which did not work. Then my brother called me. His 40 GB PS3 was having the same issue. Couple of other friends had the same issue after I called around. They could NOT play GTA 4.
And then it hit me.
WHY would this happen to me tonight after finishing the game without a hitch. Why is it happening to people who never had the issue at all over the last few days. So I checked my router and saw a bunch of unusual traffic from both PS3s. I turned off my online access for both PS3s and boom I was in. Just now I find out that you just need to be logged out of the PSN. Called up my bro, did the same thing and boom he was in. Friends, check.
So hopefully this will do it. Take note Rockstar ;). Send me a signed copy of the game as a thank you."
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Based on the comments from this source, it seems that the internet connection is to blame for your freezing.
Try attempting different combinations of your internet connection as follows:
1. If you connect to xbox live and/or PSN, disconnect it.
2. If you are disconnected, tried connecting.
3. If you are wireless, go wired cables.
4. If you are wired, go wireless.
5. Check your router and change its settings.
6. Disconnect/connect router.
7. If all above fail, send rockstar an angry email.
I dunno what that guys problem is but both my brother and I had the same exact issue. just make sure ur logged out of PSN/XBL before u go into the game and it seems to work just fine. if there isnt a patch to fix this issue by the end of the week id be suprised. come on rockstar, even after all this i have faith in you:)
Oh Yeah, I deleted some spam or outright negative posts.
Game Jacks understands your angry but please adhere to the policies.
If something is "fucking stupid" please direct that anger at anyone or anything BESIDES users here or the blog.
Oh and this fix does not work for a lot of people. Please refer to the rockstar patch and hope it solves this.
If not, well, back to angry emails at rockstar...
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