Sunday, April 13, 2008

Interplay Proposes $75M Fallout MMO?

"A federal filing has revealed that diminished publisher/developer Interplay has big plans for its Fallout MMO—$75 million worth of plans, according to an investment proposition.

When Interplay’s French parent company Titus Interactive went bankrupt in 2005, the fate of its subsidiaries fell into question. Interplay had licensed the rights to some of its assets to stay afloat, including Fallout 3 and two additional sequels to Bethesda.

However, Interplay retained the rights to certain assets, including a Fallout MMO."

Full article source

All these years, I thought Interplay was actually dead. I didn't know they were just a subsidiary of another company (French in this case!).

I myself look foward to more Fallout titles, and I would without question play a Fallout MMO. Why? Because I always dreamed of running around the wastelands melting people with a turbo gatling plasma cannon! I'd fry every little man, woman, child, and mutant I came across, on the internet!

(Yes, you really can kill every man, woman, child, and mutant in Fallout, which is why Fallout is such a popular game. Start with fallout 1 first, then you won't be spoiled by fallout 2 and fallout tactics. Trust me on that one. If you live in the United Kingdom, be sure to download the child patch since UK laws are gay when it comes to our gaming experience; bastard laws.)

What's YOUR opinion?

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