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This fucking scum of a man reinforces the blight of many video gamers, and students the world over, that these uptight academics just can't let young people be young people.
What's next, no sex after 8pm and decisions are to be made by people other than yourself?
To see the devil himself, here is a picture of the asshole in question. Be sure to give him the finger.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
For those of you who haven't played Gears Of War before, here is a nice comparison video of the old Gears Of War versus the new one. Enjoy!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Microsoft, Big Brother, And YOU, Xbox GTA 4 Outsells PS3 Gta 4?
Killzone 2 Videos (short)
Nintendo Wii Fit Calls Healthy 10-Year Old Girl "Fat", Traumatizing Her
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
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Sony's Cheap Attempt To Force Blu-Ray On Us Fizzles As Blu-Ray Sales Go Down
The not so bright people out there had expected sales to skyrocket once the format war was done, but it didn't. They thought was people would ignore the massive defects of Blu-ray and buy like the dumb sheep that they are, handcuffing themselves to the Sony bank account...."
"BLU-RAY PLAYER SALES are sucking wind as well they should. According to Cnet, sales of the DRM infected format players are dropping like rocks.
I remember this kind of behavior when I played Everquest 1 and Star Wars Galaxies. They charge us a shit ton of money for a product that features horrible gameplay, balance, or endless nerf bats.
I'll say this and hope it echoes, FUCK YOU SONY AND SONY ONLINE ENTERTAINMENT for all your bullshit, sub-par products. Your glory days were back in the pre-1990's when Sony meant "quality".
Damn fat, greedy corporate bastards who forget about the ones who make them what they are, US (the consumer). Ugh, how do they stay in business?!
Monday, May 5, 2008
Valve: "We're not PS3 developers"
"Valve's main marketer Doug Lombardi was on hand recently to show off the latest version of the awesome looking PC, 360 zombie shooter, Left 4 Dead. But PS3 is being left out of the loop.
Lombardi told us, "We're not PS3 developers - we're doing PC and 360 like with Orange Box. EA came to us and said 'Wow, Orange box was an incredible project, can we do a PS3 version?'"
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Wow, the ps3 got the shaft, but I guess I could sympathize with Valve. They only have a limited amount of resources to produce code for each console platform, and the ps3 seems to rank on the bottom of their list. We all know Valve is leaving money on the table but let's hope Left 4 Dead makes everyone enough $ to encourage Valve to release this game for the Playstation 3
Genious Installs Internet Browser On Xbox 360, Legally!
An Xbox 360 with a Internet Connection (Duh!)
Windows OS (XP SP2, Vista)
Windows Media Center hooked up
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Salvation! Grand Theft Auto Ps3 Freeze Fixed?!?!
" Today both of my PS3s locked up while trying to load GTA 4.
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Based on the comments from this source, it seems that the internet connection is to blame for your freezing.
Try attempting different combinations of your internet connection as follows:
1. If you connect to xbox live and/or PSN, disconnect it.
2. If you are disconnected, tried connecting.
3. If you are wireless, go wired cables.
4. If you are wired, go wireless.
5. Check your router and change its settings.
6. Disconnect/connect router.
7. If all above fail, send rockstar an angry email.
Nintendo's Plans For Online Play Like Playstation Network and Xbox Live?
"Online Pay To Play And An Hard drive Coming Soon To The Wii?
Last year at the Game Developers Conference, Nintendo's Takashi Aoyama introduced Nintendo’s upcoming plans for a Pay & Play online service. Before you panic, let me note that Nintendo will be keeping the existing free Wi-Fi connect service it already offers.
But, some of the newer games that will be released may require a small fee to be played online. All of the games that will require a fee will have a red sticker placed on them so that they can be easily identified. I also feel that is important to note, that the online service will not affect any of the current Wii games that currently use online play..."
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Ah, the joys of online gaming subscriptions. It's the new money making machine of our time. I can only wonder if the "best" titles will be something people have to pay money every month for. This would be bad for all the cheapskates out there but could be a good thing for the gaming industry (It sure as hell will mean dollar signs for Nintendo).
I can only wonder what will happen to video games in the future.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Microsoft Orders Another Manufacturer To Produce Blu-Ray Xbox This Year?
"A report from Taiwanese news source Economic Daily News says that Pegatron Technology—a recently formed subsidiary of Asus that shouldn't be confused with the Decepticon leader—has received an order from Microsoft to manufacture a Blu-ray equipped model of the Xbox 360. According to the report, Pegatron says that it plans to begin production on the HD version of the Xbox 360 soon, with plans to ship within the next six months, aiming for a pre-holiday release.
It won't be the first time we've heard talk about Microsoft gloming on to the format, as the DigiTimes recently pegged manufacturer Lite-On as a Xbox 360 Blu-ray drive maker and Sony executives hinted that its competitor was feeling Blu to the Financial Times. MS CEO Steve Ballmer recently went on record about the move away from HD-DVD, saying the company will "support Blu-ray in ways that make sense..."
Students of marketing will know this is a controlled way by Microsoft to hype their next product. This is an uncomfirmed rumor at the time of this writing but it seems plausible if a manufacturer is saying this.
VGChartz: PS3 Surpasses 12 Million Consoles Sold Mark
What this headline doesn't tell you is that the xbox (as of this writing) is far ahead of the ps3 by 6 million units. The Wii still outsells all others with sales of 24 million units.
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Dan Houser: Proclaims Loyalty To Hardcore Gamers
"Dan Houser’s [Rockstar Games Chief] hardcore. He swears in interviews. And he ain’t playin’ no Peggle, foo’.
“Fuck all this stuff about casual gaming,” he told the New York Metro.
He actually said, “F***,” apparently, but we’ve filled in the blanks for you.
Wii, apparently, isn’t casual gaming.
“I think people still want games that are groundbreaking,” he added. “The Wii is doing something totally different, which is fantastic..."Full article source
As much as I admire Mr. Dan Houser's enthusiasm, we all know the ultimate motivation for business, any business is money, and there may just not be enough $ in tailoring games to hardcore gamers compared to casual gamers.
Alledged Cheater Completes GTA 4 In 17 Minutes On Xbox Live?!
"According to the Rockstar Social Club’s ‘100% Club’ - which lists everyone who’s completed the game, obviously - a certain ninjaraiden2003 has completed GTA IV on the Xbox 360 in 17 minutes and 15 seconds.
Now with all those stories circulating the web about cheating, the question has to be asked: Is this some kind of workaround or simply an anomaly..."
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I bet you it's a glitch. A commentor did mention that someone played all of GTA prior to release and then on release day played the final part.
Assuming ANY of that is even remotely true, Xbox live most likely has some kind of mechanism to detect early play before official release.
Tutorial: Get Your Grand Theft Auto 4 On PS3 To Run At 1080 Pixels
You'll need a 40 inch or greater screen and preferably connected via the HDMI port. This tutorial is for the Playstation 3.
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The Top 5 Reasons Why Super Smash Brothers Sucks (A Lot!)
"Lackluster story mode
At first, Subspace Emissary was the ultimate fan boy extravaganza, a 2-D side scrolling adventure game featuring Nintendo characters working together to thwart evil. The problem is that it never seems to end. Making matters worse, the story doesn't make any sense. Not that we need video games to be the bastion of life's sensibilities, but they don't need to be goofy, either. Furthermore, we grew tired of the mindless hacking. Run up to enemies and mash buttons. We get it..."
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The real reason is because this game is under the grand shadow of grand theft auto 4. On top of that, the netcode for this game sounds like it could use much work. Graphics are great though.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Jack Thompson & Video Games Get A Bad Rap
"WIth the release of Grand Theft Auto IV on Monday, violence in video games and its effect on the people playing them has once again garnered media attention.
Lawyers, pundits and politicians with far too much time on their hands have no qualms about saying that playing violent video games can lead to real-world violence and/or aggression.
Quite frankly, it's an argument that's played out."
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Blah blah blah. I always get a chuckle whenever idiots like anti-gamer groups or Jack Thompsons get uppity and anal-angry about video games.
If it weren't for video games, there would be much less incentive to produce more powerful machines and computers, which allows humanity to do things that we couldn't do previously, increasing our technology and advancing our civilazation.
But maybe these ignorant fucks don't see the big picture. Game on everyone and laugh at these non-evolved retards.
Wii Exposed: The Secrets The Nintendo Wii Doesn't Want You To Know
"Nintendo’s latest entrant into the console war has no doubt been the company’s most successful entry since the original Nintendo Entertainment System in the 80s. The Wii has managed to continually sell out in stores since its release in November of 2006. In just a meager year and half, its already managed to outsell its predecessor, the Gamecube.
It shattered the PS2’s record of selling 10 million consoles in the US by a near 4 months. It currently holds the most market share out of the next gen systems. Nintendo, without a doubt, must be extremely proud of Miyamoto’s latest brain child.
That being said, there..."
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No offense to this author but he fails to see that the Wii is for CASUAL GAMERS, not us hardcore gamers. We demand a lot of shit that doesn't make these companies money. On the other hand, enter the casual gamer market, where it's easier to market to them and they buy games based no, like the author so succintly puts it, on brand name.
These are totally different people. They do not demand or WANT high graphics, violence, lots of things to do, etc.
And the proof is in the Wii's sales numbers, and Nintendo is just making too much money to cater to us.
The Wii Price Cut
"It is looking more and more like Nintendo may have no option to make the Wii cheaper at retail, despite what Satoru Iwata says. Here’s why:
- It has been at the same price for a long time now, during which it has become a lot cheaper to make. Especially with the volumes they are churning out. And they were making a profit in every unit from the beginning. So there is plenty of room to drop the price.
- They are ramping up..."
What I want to know is, how is demand? This is a simple supply and demand issue. If the United States markets are still willing to pay this price and still almost sell out, then don't drop the price. According to the article, international sales are not as good so maybe drop the prices overseas.
Activision-Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick Scared Of EA/Take 2 Merger
"Activision boss Bobby Kotick has expressed concerns about the possibility of a merge between EA and Take-Two.
"That's concerning, sure," he told Reuters. "When you think about one company in control of the sports category, with no competition from anybody else, that could be a challenge..."
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THAT fucker (Bobby Kotick) FAILS to mention that his fucking game, World Of Warcraft, completely dominates the MMO market. He practically has NO fucking competition and every new MMO that is out is basically another fucking WoW clone.
This asshole is so full of shit it's *infuriating*.
When was the last time you played a game that was DIFFERENT from the fantasy cartoon MMO market?
When was the last time a successful non-fantasy MMO hit the market?
I hope if this merger goes through, Take 2 will still be what it always was and maybe finally come out with a GTA mmo or something. One can only hope...